Eco-Friendly Packaging
commonly referred to as "Styrofoam", takes decades to hundreds of
years to dissolve and is one of the world's most considerable environmental
problems. Polystyrene is a thermoplastic material made from petroleum-derived
styrene and is non-biodegradable. It is difficult to estimate how much
polystyrene there is in the world, however, the Earth Resource
Foundation reports that Styrofoam
manufacturers were the fifth largest
producer of toxic waste in 1986. Unfortunately
Styrofoam is still widely used across the world, from cups and plates to
packaging and more, as it is typically less expensive than other products and
weighs significantly less which aids in reduced shipping costs. Thankfully
there are several companies around the world working on finding eco-friendly,
cost-effective substitutions to replace this harmful product.
Ecovative Design
Ecovative Design, a New York-based company, has created a
biodegradable alternative to conventional polystyrene (or Styrofoam) using inedible
by-products of agricultural crops like seed husks. The material is grown using these by-products
and mycelium which is a fungal network of threadlike cells, like the
"roots" of mushrooms. In 5 – 7 days, in the dark with no watering and
no petrochemical inputs, the mycelium digests the agricultural by-products
binding them into a structural material. The mycelium acts like a natural, self-assembling
glue. The material can then be grown into any shape needed. Every cubic inch of
material contains a matrix of 8 miles of tiny mycelial fibers, and at the end
of the process the materials are heat treated to stop the growth and ensure
there will never be any spores or allergen concerns. From beginning to end, the
mushroom material fits into nature’s recycling system. Composting,
mulching, or throwing away are all environmentally sound options of disposal
because the product is made of natural materials that belong in a healthy

Naturpack, an Ontario-based
company, has created a loose fill packing product that is very similar to the
polystyrene pellets (or "peanuts" or "beans") found in many
shipments. Corn is the primary product used in creating their product, which
boasts anti-vibration and shock absorbing qualities. Naturpak is reusable and
recycled, is manufactured without chemicals, and is environmentally friendly
when disposed. To make the loose fill, first the corn must be crushed and the germ removed by
sifting. The corn is then ground to a powder so the pulverized corn
can then be put directly into the plant. The corn is heated in a pressure
chamber and released in a way that produces and creates uniform pieces of loose
fill. The process is based on unmodified starch in a pure mechanical production
process without additives. The process can be altered by the addition of
specific additives to achieve desired results.
EnviroPak, a Missouri-based
company, has utilized recycled products to create their eco-friendly packaging.
Molded pulp is made from 100% recycled newspaper and is 100% recyclable and
100% biodegradable. It has been used to package delicate items such as eggs and
light bulbs for years, however, recently has become more prominent in the
shipping industry. Molded pulp can be shaped to fit any product and is highly
shock resistant. The stock preparation process is closely related to that of a
small paper mill. For full details on how the molded pulp is made please visit