Learn more about the problems with marine litter here.

Check out this link for tips on gardening with kids, including the top 10 crops for children.

Visit this link for EcoKids Earth Day 2012 activities and more.

Check out these books about where food comes from and visit your local library for more.
5. Teach them the 4Rs - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rethink. While children often learn about recycling at school it's important to reinforce these lessons at home. Daily examples of reducing waste and making proper choices will help your kids do the same as they grow up.
Visit www.kidsbegreen.org for helpful facts and activities or try these suggestions below and more:
- save energy by turning off lights when you leave a room
- reduce food waste by using properly sealed containers
- reuse of food waste by applying it to compost
- save plastic bags by using cloth bags
- recycle papers, plastics, and metals in their appropriate containers
- use eco-friendly products for cleaning and more
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about renewable energy - Knowledge Is Power! For more information go to www.endeavorscorp.com or write to us at info@endeavorscorp.com if you have questions or want to get involved. Have a green day!
Sources Seagrant Fish, Earth Easy, Earth Day, Munchkin Food, Kids Be Green, Inspire Your Environment, Five Hive, Eco Mii, Borders, Mom Goes Green
Sources Seagrant Fish, Earth Easy, Earth Day, Munchkin Food, Kids Be Green, Inspire Your Environment, Five Hive, Eco Mii, Borders, Mom Goes Green